
Areawide : Free Flu Shots Available

The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services will provide free flu shots for residents 60 years and older at special flu clinics planned for various locations, including Glendale, from Oct. 26 through Dec. 11.

Information on clinic locations and hours can be obtained by calling the county Healthline at (800) 427-8700, the county Department of Community and Senior Citizens Services (213) 738-2637, or Info-Lines for Glendale (818) 956-1100 and Los Angeles (213) 686-0950. The TDD line for the hearing-impaired is (800) 660-4026.

Yearly flu shots are recommended for older people because the ability to fight disease decreases as a person ages, making senior citizens more likely to become seriously ill and die from influenza, or suffer complications such as pneumonia.


Younger adults with chronic diseases, such as heart or lung disease, will also be eligible for the free vaccinations.
