
Lerner on Jewish Life

I’m inclined to agree with some of what Lerner reported (Oct. 6), particularly in the awards and dinners for the fat cats and major donors to Jewish organizations. But one must not underestimate the influence that comes with major donors in establishing institutions, including magazines such as his own.

Lerner urges devotion to the poor, the homeless and oppressed. Perhaps Lerner is not aware of the fact that the poor, the homeless and oppressed have already been more favored during our century than during all the prior centuries combined. How much of the fruited plain should be devoted to them? At what point do we give credit to responsibility for survival, industry, achievement, accomplishment?

Legislators are voting us into debt in order to favor their constituents, frequently entitlement recipients. The producers are thereby drained of their resources, including the resources to provide jobs.


Lerner is favoring a political change that is unclear, contrary to the biology of the human condition, and can only result in dictatorship of the non-achievers.

