
Perot’s Charges of ‘Dirty Tricks’

Political pundits promised an October surprise, but who could have predicted this B movie finish? We have the irony of George Bush, “Old Broken Lips,” caught lying about selling nuclear and chemical weapons technology to Saddam Hussein. Next, we see the pathos of “The Three-Billion-Dollar Man,” Perot, shouting his paranoid delusions like a street lunatic on the lawn of City Hall. In the concluding scene, a true Hollywood triumph, Bill Clinton, covered with campaign muck like “The Swamp Thing,” convinces Orange County Republicans to hold their noses and vote for him.

I can hardly wait for the sequel. Bush will announce that he was out of the loop in his own Administration. Perot will buy the National Enquirer and then sue the tabloid for greenmail when it refuses to publish his story about Elvis terrorists from another planet. Clinton will finally come clean and tell America how he really spent the money his mother gave him for saxophone lessons.

Pass the popcorn!


Playa del Rey
