
SOUTH-CENTRAL LOS ANGELES : 4 Charged in Disturbance at Florence and Normandie

Felony charges have been filed against four men arrested during Monday’s rock- and bottle-throwing incident at Florence and Normandie avenues.

Cerman A. Cunningham, 29, is accused of assaulting a police officer during the disturbance at a flash point of last spring’s riots. County prosecutors said that Cunningham threw a 10-inch-long pipe at Officer B. Liddy, who was not harmed.

Cunningham pleaded not guilty at an arraignment Wednesday, and his bail was set at $5,000. Batis Reid, 26, Kenneth Crawford, 32, and Ronald Jones, 38, were accused of crimes involving thefts at the L.A. Food Market. Reid and Crawford pleaded not guilty to receiving stolen cigarettes and diapers, with bail set at $30,000 and $15,000, respectively. Jones, charged with burglary, pleaded not guilty and was held on $5,000 bail.
