
Bush Pardons Weinberger

So the would-be Grand Inquisitor Lawrence Walsh is now going after President Bush because Bush dared pardon Walsh’s current victims. The two aspects of the inquisition Walsh apparently admires most and wishes to emulate are 1) accusation is sufficient to establish guilt; it’s up to the accused to prove innocence, and 2) defending an accused (and therefore, presumably guilty) person is, in itself, a punishable act.

Walsh’s vicious attacks on Bush in retaliation for Bush’s pardoning of Weinberger, et al., do serve the valuable purpose of providing absolute proof (if any more proof was indeed required) of just what an utterly incompetent political hack and petty tyrant Walsh is. If Walsh really had evidence of wrongdoing by Bush, why wasn’t it pursued in a timely fashion rather than used as a weapon of revenge?

Walsh should not only be summarily fired, but, if one has a sense of history, he should be banned to Salem, Mass.



Los Angeles
