
Ousted Newport Chief Arb Campbell, Keeper of the Torch, Has Flamed Out

I read with trepidation Mr. (Bill) Lusk’s recent letter (“Allegations of Sexual Harassment in Newport,” Jan. 3). I had lauded his erstwhile reticence to commit himself and the 10-4 Club to the (Arb) Campbell/(Tony) Villa fracas. And, as I read, I began to wonder why he deigned to descend from Mount Olympus to do battle.

Could it be that he views Arb as some mythic Titan, Prometheus chained and forever tormented, in need of succor? If so, let me reassure him that Arb Campbell was no fire-giver; he was merely the latest keeper of the torch, a political appointee whose time has come and gone.

Could it be that he believes “the inmates are running the asylum”? If so, let me reassure him that Arb Campbell was no Horatius at the bridge, single-handedly protecting the community from a psycho horde of macho cops hellbent on destruction; we will continue to provide this professional service he has come to expect of us.


Could it be that he believes he is supporting the department, his organization’s stated purpose per his opening sentence? If so, let me remind him that Arb Campbell is not synonymous with the NBPD and that if he wants to support the department, he cannot in good conscience support Arb. Our employees association petitioned the city to turn our “trial separation” into a “final divorce decree.”

Or, could it be that he believes he can treat Arb’s political demise like Orpheus, who journeyed to Hades to escort the shade of Eurydice back to earth? If so, let me caution him that Orpheus fell; lament the passing of a loyal friend and longtime ally, but please do not try to resurrect him.

We have cherished the 10-4 Club and the support they have provided the department down through the years. So it has always been; so let it remain.



Lieutenant, Newport Beach Police Department
