
Parenting Classes Should Be Required

Charles Waterman (Letters, Jan. 31) states that there should be classes offered by community colleges to teach prospective parents how to bring up children. I will go even further: It should be mandatory education.

Yet this shouldn’t be because we live in an “ever-changing world.” Actually, the concepts by which our societies survive have changed little since our forefathers roamed the earth as hunter-gatherers.

Some examples:

* It is still wrong to lie and cheat. Parents should teach their children so, in words and by example.


* It is still a crime and mortal sin to kill a human being. Parents should instill in their offspring a deep regard for human life.

* It is still utterly contrary to compassionate societal rules to forge success and careers by trampling the rights of others. Parents must make this a focal point of their children’s education.

* It is still considered cruel to torment helpless animals. Parents should teach their children that these are also creatures who feel.


* It is still despicable to taunt others because they are different. Parents ought to instill compassion and understanding in their children.

* It is still illogical and dangerous to leave young children alone and unsupervised. Again, parents need to have this common-sense principle accepted as natural by their children.

If many parents, as Mr. Waterman suggests, are not fulfilling these responsibilities to those they brought into the world, then the school system must indeed undertake the task. Not, however, because we are so changed, but because the world is still very much the same.



Santa Ana
