
Paying for Bolsa Chica Wetlands

In a recent article on the Bolsa Chica Wetlands (“Panel to Study Ways to Preserve Wetlands,” Feb. 4), Councilwoman Linda Moulton-Patterson stated that Bolsa Chica is “the single most important issue before the City Council.” The Bolsa Chica Alliance couldn’t agree with her more.

However, we don’t agree that the city of Huntington Beach should be spending additional monies on this project--monies they could spend more intelligently on other important programs.

The special City Council-appointed committee is supposed to search for money to buy, restore or preserve the Bolsa Chica reserve. It is a waste of time and money, since the Koll Co. has not offered the property for sale, nor does it wish to sell the property.


The Koll Co. during past years has already spent thousands of dollars in extensive research into state and federal grants.

They know more about this issue than anyone around, and yet they were not contacted prior to the forming of the new “committee.”

The Koll Co. is the best-equipped to help this committee in answering any questions they may have.



Huntington Beach
