
Hospital Security and Gun Control

“Gun Control With Imagination” (editorial, Feb. 15) is an oxymoron. It implies simplicity. For example, a reasonable waiting period prior to gun purchase, and elimination from the marketplace of those weapons with no discernible civilian (i.e., hunting, target shooting) use. California and most states already have such laws.

But there is no simple law. Laws as written are usually incomprehensible, unrealistic and/or from a practical standpoint, unenforceable. Examples: the 55 m.p.h. speed limit, the IRS regulation on casual labor withholding tax, and federal felony marijuana possession parameters as practiced in San Diego County.

In a stroke of illogic, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.) would, as part of his bill, tax ammunition of the three calibers most commonly associated with crimes of violence. Leading perhaps to a tax on makes of automobiles most commonly found to be used in armed robberies or in speeding violations or the color maroon?


Thus the private sector sinks under the weight of the exponential spew of federal/state regulation paper. Ostensibly to protect us from evil/ourselves, it does not. But it provides employment for politicians--and editorial writers.


Los Angeles
