
President’s Economic Plan

I think it is outrageous that some un-Americans are bitterly complaining that they’ll soon have to pay a little bit more income tax. Don’t they realize we are the least taxed people in the world, and that the “falsely prosperous” years under spendthrift Reagan and Bush have made our country almost bankrupt? That bubble has now burst and we will all have to tighten our belts, just a little.

As for Social Security recipients, of which I am one, whether they like to acknowledge it or not, SS is a form of welfare in which we get back more than ten times what we put into it. It will not make us go hungry if we have to give up a very few of those dollars.

Because we now have an honest President, for a change, I hope Clinton will not become the least popular President in history only because he is trying to keep us from becoming the next Third World country. Everyone thought it was nice of Jack Kennedy to ask us to think about what we could do for our country. Well, now we’re really going to do something about it, and this country needs all the help it can get.



