
Freebies for Gardeners

Garden centers, hardware stores, home centers and some department stores carry a wide range of tools each spring. Unusual or imported tools can be found at garden specialty shops and through mail-order companies. The following is a sampling of free catalogues.

--Gardener’s Supply Co., 128 Intervale Road, Burlington, Vt. 05401. Wide selection of specialty tools and garden accessories, including season-extending materials; (802) 863-1700.

--Kinsman Co., River Road, Point Pleasant, Pa. 18950. English garden tools and equipment, compost bins, shredders, cold frames; (215) 297-5613.


--Johnny’s Selected Seeds, Foss Hill Road, Albion, Me. 04910. High-quality tools and garden equipment, in addition to a wide variety of seeds; (207) 437-4301.

--Langenbach, P.O. Box 453, Blairstown, N.J. 07825. The finest in domestic and European garden tools, with many from England; (800) 362-1991.

--A.M. Leonard Inc., 6665 Spiker Rd., P.O. Box 816, Piqua, Ohio 45356. Massive listing of garden and nursery tools and supplies; (800) 543-8955.


--Mellinger’s Inc., 2310 W. South Range Road, North Lima, Ohio 44452. Books, tools, gardening equipment in profusion; (800) 321-7444.

--Walt Nicke Co., P.O. Box 433, Topsfield, Mass. 01983. High-quality tools, many designed for gardeners with disabilities, plus ergonomic tools and unusual gadgets; (800) 822-4114.

--Pinetree Garden Seeds, Route 100, New Gloucester, Me. 04260. Large supply of garden tools, how-to books and heirloom seeds; (207) 926-3400.


--Smith & Hawken, 25 Corte Madera Ave., Mill Valley, Calif. 94941. High-priced but top-quality specialty gardening tools and paraphernalia; (415) 383-2000.

--Gardeners Eden, P.O. Box 7307, San Francisco, Calif. 94120. High quality tools and garden ornaments; (800) 822-9600.
