
TUSTIN : Pushcart Ordinance Extension on Agenda

The City Council will consider today whether to extend for another year an ordinance regulating pushcarts in the city.

The extension is necessary because the temporary ordinance passed last year will expire on May 18, officials said.

Because the extension will be considered under urgency action, four of the five members of the council will have to vote for its approval. If passed, it would take effect immediately, officials said.


Under the ordinance, a pushcart vendor selling food must apply for a business license, costing $25, a so-called solicitor’s permit of $10 per day, as well as the required health permits. The ordinance also limits vendors to commercial areas or shopping complexes of at least 30,000 square feet and to events where more than 500 people are present.

The ordinance was passed after a study found that pushcarts block sidewalks and driveways, create trash problems and sometimes pose a danger to the public.

There was also a sharp increase of pushcart vendors in the city after Santa Ana passed an ordinance last year limiting pushcart vendors in that city to 200, Tustin officials said.


Violation of the ordinance is considered a misdemeanor unless charged as an infraction by an enforcing officer. The ordinance does not set penalties for violations.
