
Utilize Academics to Solve UC Crisis

I am in complete agreement with L. Dennis Smith, William R. Schonfeld and Carol Caronna in their concerns stated in “Commentaries on California Universities” on June 13.

(The University of California institutions) are indeed an extraordinarily valuable resource for the state and the nation, and their impending decline from outstanding excellence due to continued budget cuts is a disaster waiting to happen.

The extremely grim financial position of both the federal and state governments is all too well known. A significant reversal can realistically not be expected in the reasonably near future.


Therefore, I would like to suggest to Smith, Schonfeld and to the very many faculty members of the UCs (as well as the state college system), that they put their heads together to come up with practical plans to help solve the seemingly intractable financial problems facing us all.

Perhaps harnessing the stupendous wealth of education, intelligence and knowledge residing in the faculties of the public colleges and universities should be attempted.

The academics may say that this is the job of the legislators, not theirs. I doubt that the academics would do worse than the inept, narrow-minded, selfish, spineless and sleazy legislators.


When the house is burning down, everyone must become a firefighter!


Mission Viejo
