
Murders by Juveniles

* My daughter, Jennifer Lucas, was one of three in the triple homicide at the Holiday Inn/Montgomery Field, May 4, 1992.

The murderer, a 16-year-old male, Desmond Payton, was tried as an adult and convicted of three counts of first-degree murder with special circumstances, which means he could be facing life with no chance of parole. So now that means I, a taxpayer, will be supporting him for the rest of my life and possibly the life of the two small sons that Jennifer left behind.

Where is the justice? Certainly not with me or my grandsons.

The California voters have done this. It was called Proposition 115 in 1990. The California voters can undo this, but we have to come together and let our governor and state legislators know how we feel.


Why should a juvenile murderer be treated any differently than an adult? Why is it we have the death penalty, but only a handful have been put to death?

Wake up, California! I can’t do this alone, I need your help.


San Diego
