
Traffic Control in Area of San Gabriel Mission

On July 29, 1993, an open meeting of concerned citizens met with San Gabriel city officials for an unveiling of the proposed redevelopment plan for the San Gabriel Mission area.

The plan is a good one but is seriously flawed in its present form as it regards traffic engineering and control. The plan calls for the closure of Mission Drive adjacent to the mission and elimination of parking around the hospital area. I believe this part of the plan is going to cause more problems and inconvenience for the community than the City Council and their contracted Orange county consulting firm care to admit.

At this meeting, the question was asked of about 50-plus citizens and business persons: “How many people at this meeting are in favor of the closure of Mission Drive adjacent to the mission?” Two people held their hands up.


Many people seem to feel that the closure of a main artery of traffic flow may not be a good thing for San Gabriel. Even so, the city manager then indicated that the plan was going to commence in October of this year, apparently with no changes for further input/study.

Our City Council needs to know how you feel about what they do for you and against you.


San Gabriel
