
Lemmon’s Fight Against Beverly Hills Mansion

I am in total agreement with Jack Lemmon regarding the “uglification” of Beverly Hills with the building of oversized square boxes of houses. There is scarcely a street in the city that has not been affected by these eyesores.

I own a small home in the southeast section of Beverly Hills but am just as concerned as those residents in the more upscale areas. And it is evident from the interview with Mr. Lemmon that he too cares about the total city environment. It is also obvious that the 8,000 citizens who signed the petition opposing the Tower Road project are not all personally living in that area so they, too, are saying strongly that this issue of inappropriate bulk building in residential areas must be faced by the City Council and must be dealt with.


Beverly Hills


I have just finished reading the article on the interview of Jack Lemmon on his fight to prevent Robert Manoukian from building a very large home in his community. Mr. Lemmon’s contention is that a house of this size does not belong in an area that is composed mainly of much smaller homes. He also contends that the building of this magnitude would be a great inconvenience on the street. I agree with Mr. Lemmon that it should not be built, but for other reasons than his.


Mr. Lemmon points out he is an environmentalist, yet he apparently does not oppose this project for environmental reasons. He should be concerned about the number of trees that would be cut down, the amount of energy it would take to maintain this behemoth.

I should point out that this is happening all over the L.A. area. Perhaps not on the scale of this project. We should be concerned about the wastefulness of such projects. Just think how many people could be housed by using the equivalent amount of materials.


Playa del Rey


I was scanning the question and answer article with Jack Lemmon, regarding the building of the very large home in his neighborhood. Once I concentrated and began to read the article, I too was outraged. Outraged at the pomposity and audacity of Mr. Lemmon and his friends telling anyone what they may or may not build in their neighborhood.


It struck me pretty quickly that I live in an 850-square-foot house. It also struck me that a 6,000-square-foot house in my neighborhood would look out of character and mess up the flow while it was being built.

The point being, (and here is where my outrage comes from) Mr. Lemmon lives in a home of approximately 6,000 square feet. His family is grown and living elsewhere. By my standards he is living the “conspicuous consumption” example to a tee.

All this, of course, is from my point of view: the view from 850 perfectly comfortable square feet of living space in Venice. I do not know, nor do I care whether Mr. Lemmon and/or his friends live larger or not, but I do care a great deal that they believe they can influence the law to control anyone else’s right to live the way they choose where they choose.





I guess you have to be a rich and famous person to get a voice in the almighty L.A. Times Westside section. While I applaud Jack Lemmon for stepping out of his private world and trying to do something to save his neighborhood, why is it that other critics of the City of Beverly Hills are silenced? Last year I proposed a plan for Greystone Park and Mansion. Both local papers and this one did not see fit to share the ideas with the public for mysterious editorial reasons.

Because the local media failed in its responsibility to inform the public, I have had to personally distribute the plan. Like Mr. Lemmon, I wish to demonstrate that common sense and courageous outspokenness against corrupted politicians and institutions are vital to our communities if they are to have a future.


Los Angeles


If I lived on Tower Road, I would argue that Mr. Manoukian was not building a home, but a hotel for his large family of relatives and friends, and that such a location violates zoning laws.


Pacific Palisades

Editor’s note: On Aug. 3, the Beverly Hills City Council voted 4 to 1 to deny a building permit for the proposed mansion on Tower Road.
