
PACOIMA : ‘Independence Day’ Is International

In an effort to raise money and foster a sense of community spirit, Pacoima Elementary School is hosting its annual “International Independence Day” festival today, featuring carnival games, live music and ethnic food.

“We are trying to unite the entire community,” said Ray Garcia, a teacher at the school and one of the organizers of the event. “We are trying to uplift the image people have of this area.”

Six professional bands will play music, a DJ will spin rap records and the school’s principal, Larry Gonzales, will sit as a target in the dunk tank at the event, which organizers hope will attract thousands of community members and raise thousands of dollars for the school.


There will also be an array of foods of countries such as Mexico and China, donated by community members and parents. The money from the event will go to the student auxiliary fund and be put toward projects such as air conditioning for the auditorium or computers, Garcia said. The festival will run from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the school’s playground at 11016 Norris Ave., Pacoima.
