
VENTURA : Mall Merchants to Recruit Holiday Staff

Buenaventura Plaza merchants will recruit holiday workers today and Sunday in the mall’s center court.

The State Employment Development Department in Ventura will coordinate the effort, interviewing prospective sales clerks, cashiers, stock clerks and food service workers, and then issuing them referral cards for specific mall merchants.

About 90 jobs, paying from minimum wage to about $5.50 per hour, are available, and 50 mall employers are participating in the program, said Ignacio Abeyta, who is coordinating the effort for the local Employment Development Department. Most of the jobs are part time, he said.


A few of the jobs are managerial-type positions, he said. Although most jobs are temporary, some may lead to permanent employment, he said.

Applicants must be 16 or older and should be dressed for a job interview.

The jobs fair will run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. It will also be held at the same times next weekend.
