
Boris Yeltsin

* As the reminders that our tax revenues are insufficient to sustain the needs of our own populace grow increasingly apparent, I am appalled to see our governing powers fork over a blank check to Russian President Boris Yeltsin to assist him in furthering his questionable agenda for economic “reform.”

The swift and brutal quashing of any and all dissent to Yeltsin’s policies, and Yeltsin’s demonstrated contempt for constitutional due process belie his purported commitment to any sort of democracy in Russia.

In the eyes of his Washington following, Yeltsin can seemingly do no wrong. Bringing to mind many predecessors that also enjoyed unquestioned access to the U.S. checkbook, it would appear that we have adopted another baby dictator.


If the only necessary conduct prerequisite to access to U.S. dollars is frequent anti-communist noises accompanied by the appropriate mumblings concerning “democracy” and “reform,” then we have Yeltsin on the U.S. payroll for keeps. Messrs. Anastasio Somoza, Rafael Trujillo, Nguyen Cao Ky, et al., move over and make room for Boris Yeltsin.

So, whose economy is it anyway, stupid?


