
Cool Mints

We’ve seen sugarless gums and mints before, but XyliFresh is the only one sweetened predominantly with a low-calorie sweetener called xylitol (found in many plants and also produced by the human body during normal metabolism). Not only is it actually sweet, there are studies showing it reduces plaque buildup, neutralizes plaque acids and may promote remineralization, which can reverse early stages of tooth decay. The best part is that it tastes cool, really cool-- astonishingly, it reduces the temperature in the mouth. Manufactured by Leaf Inc., of Lake Forest, Ill. (a subsidiary of the interestingly named Finnish firm Huhtamaki-Oy). In drug stores.

Pardon Me, I Think I See My Dinner

Mahi-mahi are gourmet fish, all right--their favorite food is the elegant flying fish. But tilapia will eat just about anything you put in front of them, even the algae found in mud.

Department of Correct Phone Numbers

In last week’s story about the food-print cloth of the Gourmet Gear Co., the phone number should have been (800) 682-4635, not 662-5645.


Le Pig-Out

Yes, they have fast food in France, and not just McDonald’s and Pizza Hut. There are the home-grown Hippopotamus steakhouses, for instance, and Bistro Romain, which feataures all-you-can-eat chocolate mousse.

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