
Vladimir Zhirinovsky

* The ADL is dismayed that so many Russians cast their vote for the outspoken extremist and anti-Semite, Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Zhirinovsky’s animus toward Jews is well-documented.

His xenophobic vision of a “Russia for Russians” and his embracing of German neo-Nazis must be forcefully denounced by President Boris Yeltsin and all proponents of democracy inside and outside of Russia. Zhirinovsky will most likely attempt to appear more moderate as time goes on. However, it should not be forgotten that the Jewish minority is one of his primary targets. His strong showing in the Russian elections is cause for deep concern for the forces of democratic reform and portends ominously for Russian Jews.


Regional Director, ADL

Santa Ana

* I fail to see what is wrong with Zhirinovsky. I don’t understand why the American media are portraying this man as an evil incarnate. Zhirinovsky is not evil, he is not a Nazi, and he is not a threat to world security. His problem is that he has chosen to represent the interest of the Russian people. The interests of the Russian people are in conflict with the interest of America’s foreign policy.


By attacking Zhirinovsky and supporting Yeltsin we are abandoning every principle of democracy. As a democratic country we should support the outcome of Russia’s democratic process.


Huntington Beach
