
Odetics, Anaheim

Nature of business: manufactures automated information storage, distribution and management systems

Total associates: 576

In Orange County: 540

Stock listing in The Times: On Nasdaq “Odetics A”

Ticker symbol: “ODETA & ODETB”

Friday’s stock close: $9.75

One-week change: Down $0.63

Analyst review: “Odetics has grown into a major player in the data storage field. The bulk of its revenues are generated from its ATL Products division, which manufactures automated tape library systems. The company’s technology is quite impressive, providing applications for industries ranging from television broadcasting stations like PBS to computer makers like E-Systems and Cray Research to government entities such as NASA and NATO. Financially, the company looks equally attractive: a current ratio of 3.0, predicted 1994 revenues of $86 million, a long-term debt to capitalization ratio of 0.55 and a price to sales ratio of 0.58. Fiscal 1993 was the company’s 23rd consecutive year of profitability.”

- Richard Weinstein, analyst, Barber & Bronson, Ft. Lauderdale


(In millions of dollars)

‘91: 72.4

‘92: 70.3

‘93: 69.3

3 quarters

‘93: 51.0

‘94: 61.0


(In millions of dollars)

‘91: 1.0

‘92: 0.1

‘93: 0.1

3 quarters

‘93: -0.6

‘94: 1.0

Corporate outlook: “We have gone from an aerospace orientation to being smack in the middle of the computer industry, providing tape library systems to the mid-range and client-server levels. Over the past 25 years we have weathered several recessions and have combined that element of consistency with creativity in expanding our technological base.”-- Joel Slutzky, chairman/CEO



Fiscal year ending Mar. 31 Mar. 31 Mar. 31 3 qtrs. 1991 1992 1993 1993 1994 52-week high $8.13 $7.62 $8.88 $6.88 52-week low $4.00 $3.75 $4.38 $5.00 Book value per share $4.10 $4.25 $3.49 $4.04 Price per share $7.13 $6.50 $8.13 $5.38 Net earnings (loss) per share $0.24 $0.02 $0.03 $0.14 Price-to-earnings ratio* 30:1 N/A N/A N/A Avg. return on investor equity 6.0% .5% .7% N/A

Fiscal year ending 3 qtrs. 1991 52-week high $8.88 52-week low $6.88 Book value per share $5.92 Price per share $10.00 Net earnings (loss) per share $0.19 Price-to-earnings ratio* 28:1 Avg. return on investor equity 7.0%

*In fiscal 1992 and 1993 Odetics expensed its investments into new technology, resulting in an inapplicable price to earnings ratio. For more information call or write, Odetics: 1515 S. Manchester Ave., Anaheim, CA, 92802 (714) 774-5000. Source: Odetics; Bloomberg Business News. Researched by JANICE L. JONES / Los Angeles Times
