
Exploring Lasers, Virtual Reality

Digital video, computer imagery, virtual reality, holography, lasers and light are among the subjects explored in a new, 7,000-square-foot exhibit at the California Museum of Science and Industry in Exposition Park.

“Liquid Vision: Lasers, Holograms and Virtual Reality” emphasizes learning through participation in creative activities that teach the science behind cutting-edge technologies. Visitors can design a three-dimensional room, compete in a game of “virtual volleyball” or produce, direct and star in a music video in the interactive exhibit.

Los Angeles is the only West Coast stop for the exhibit in its four-year nationwide tour. The exhibit will run through May 1. Call (213) 744-7400.



* The Landers earthquake will be discussed by Kerry Sieh, professor of geology at Caltech, at a Caltech physics research conference Thursday at 4 p.m. in Room 201 E. Bridge. Call (818) 395-4652.


* Phil Regan, scientist with the U.S. Forest Service, will discuss the effects of the recent wildfires on natural systems at the California Native Plant Society Los Angeles/Santa Monica Mountains chapter meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Brentwood Magnet School Auditorium. Call (213) 933-8993.


* The Point Fermin Marine Life Refuge, home to a variety of tide pool animals, will be the site of the February weekend tide pool walks by the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium on Saturday at 3 p.m. and February 26 at 2 p.m. Call (310) 548-7562.


* The Cabrillo Marine Aquarium will also be offering junior and senior high school students the opportunity to study the ecology of the tide pools in field explorations during February and March as part of the SEA (Science Education Afternoons) CLUB at the Aquarium. Classes begin Friday at 3:30 p.m. Call (310) 548-7563.


* The history of the Mojave Desert, its politics, policies and resource management issues will be discussed at a course offered by the Desert Studies Center Friday through Sunday. The center, near Baker, is operated by California State University. Call (909) 880-5981.


* Ahmed Farag, visiting professor of electrical engineering at USC, will discuss the biological effects of electric and magnetic fields on people at 1 p.m. Friday in USC’s Grace Salvatori Hall, Room 106. Call (213) 740-4710.
