
Topics / HEALTH : Screenings at 6 Area Sites


Health Fair Expo ’94 will make the rounds in Southern California through April 23 at six locations in the San Gabriel Valley.

Each location will feature a day of free health screenings, including blood pressure, height, weight, vision and health histories. Blood chemistry scans will be available for $25 and will measure levels of glucose, cholesterol, both high- and low-density lipoproteins and other factors. Men older than 40 can have their blood screened for prostate cancer for an additional $25.

“We’re really promoting that people take responsibility for their health,” said project coordinator Linda Swift, who is running the Expo for all of Southern California.


Each of the six San Gabriel sites will offer a variety of specialized, free screenings in addition to the basic screenings performed at all the expos.

* Cal Poly Pomona, 3801 W. Temple Ave., has its Expo today from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., with dental and hearing screenings, body fat, flexibility and diet analysis, and HIV testing in addition to the Expo screenings.

* The Pasadena Senior Center, 85 E. Holly St., will host the Expo on Friday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and will feature spinal screenings, podiatry, body-fat evaluation and hearing evaluations.


* On Saturday, Garfield Medical Center, 525 N. Garfield Ave., Monterey Park, will offer podiatry and body mechanics, where screeners will look at how people lift, sit and perform other activities to determine back health, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

* Claremont’s Taylor Hall/YAC, 1775 N. Indian Hill Blvd., will feature screenings in dermatology, flexibility, podiatry, sonograms, hearing, body fat, and for colo-rectal cancer on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

* On Wednesday there will be screenings for lung disease, glaucoma, podiatry problems, hearing and dental problems at the Rosemead Community Recreation Center, 3936 N. Muscatel Ave. from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.


* From 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 23, Glendora Community Hospital, 150 W. Alosta Ave., will check body fat, screen for glaucoma and cataracts, check for pulmonary function, podiatry problems, posture, breast cancer (with information on prosthetics), and hearing.

Information: (800) 894-4999.
