
Orange County Fans’ Choices

Movie (National ranking) Weekend Gross Screens/Avg. (Studio) (National) (National) 1. Bad Girls (1) $123,008 15/$8,200 (Fox ) ($5 million) (2,009/$2,495) 2. Four Weddings and a Funeral (2) $95,146 14/$6,796 (Gramercy ) ($4.3 million) (882/$4,976) 3. The Paper (3) $48,324 15/$3,221 (Universal ) ($2.3 million) (1,500/$1,575) 4. Cops and Robbersons (5) $46,898 16/$2,931 (Tri Star ) ($2.3 million) (1,836/$1,281) 5. Threesome (7) $43,521 12/$3,626 (Tri Star ) ($1.8 million) (1,215/$1,504)

Weeks Released 1. 1 2. 7 3. 6 4. 2 5. 3

Estimated from data supplied, as of press time, by Exibitor Relations Co.
