
TENNIS / NCAA MEN’S CHAMPIONSHIPS : Orsini Loses His Cool, Quarterfinal to USC’s Black

From Associated Press

USC’s Wayne Black, the nation’s top-ranked collegiate singles player and seeded first in the NCAA men’s tennis championships, beat second-ranked and sixth-seeded Laurent Orsini of Mississippi State, 6-2, 6-2, in Friday’s quarterfinals.

Black, along with unseeded Joakim Appelqvist of Mississippi, second-seeded Marcus Hilpert of Arkansas and unseeded Mark Merklein of Florida, advanced to today’s semifinals.

The four top-seeded doubles teams--Alabama Birmingham, USC, Stanford and Mississippi State--advanced to the semifinals.


Black, who will play Appelqvist, handled Orsini with surprising ease after eliminating Jami Laschinger of Georgia, 6-1, 7-5.

Orsini lost the match when he was penalized a game for a code violation.

Upset at referee line calls, Orsini voiced his feelings, then threw his racket in disgust.

“I lost control of myself and gave him the match,” Orsini said.
