
The Beilenson Record on Illegal Immigration

* Verne Bauman (Letters, July 24) is seriously misinformed about my legislative accomplishments in the area of illegal immigration.

While Mr. Bauman did concede that I have “introduced five good bills” to deal with illegal immigration--and I might add that I have co-sponsored and supported many others--he states that I am “politely waiting for them to die in the Judiciary Committee.” Nothing could be further from the truth.

The fact of the matter is that I am the leading and most vocal Democrat in the House of Representatives on the issue of illegal immigration and, as my colleagues will tell you, I have worked hard on that issue for many years now. Contrary to Mr. Bauman’s statement, Congress has already acted on several of my proposals, and the others are in various stages of consideration.




Beilenson represents the 24th District in the House of Representatives.
