
Volunteers Can Help Elderly Quake Survivors

* The anguished face of Francis Fariola in the photograph accompanying The Times’ article “Elderly Struggle to Recover From Earthquake” (July 10) eloquently captures the fears of many older adults living alone and isolated.

For elderly survivors of the quake, there is the added trauma and worry of wondering if they will lose their homes, compounding rising feelings of isolation and helplessness.

Sponsored by the Volunteer Center of Los Angeles, one of the 12 nonprofit organization members of the new Earthquake Response Volunteer Network, 10 senior volunteers are being readied to meet the needs of elderly quake victims.


Already active in the Hollywood area aiding older adults’ efforts to remain living independently, Senior Companions will expand service to clients referred by senior centers in West Hollywood, Inglewood and Central Los Angeles.

ERVN was started in March with federal funds received from President Clinton’s Corporation for National Service.



Aldrin is director of the Senior Companion Program at the Volunteer Center of Los Angeles.
