
State Should Act on School Child Care

* Accolades to Assemblyman Bill Morrow (R-Oceanside) for considering to co-author a bill representing 200-plus parents in South County (“YMCA After-School Program Comes Up Short,” Sept. 11).

Two days prior to the opening day of school, parents were informed by the YMCA that it could not accommodate their children in after-school day-care programs throughout South County. The reason given was that the state, with preschool guidelines, had a per capita (standard) at each school site. Some parents suffered in silence; all scrambled to find a suitable place for their children after school.

Why did the state Department of Social Services block a request by the YMCA to care for additional children? During World War II, the state furnished child care for families. Today, families are sinking in a quagmire of paperwork which will only produce latch-key children and the problems surrounded by that situation.


The child-care need is urgent. Provided they meet all the revised guidelines for elementary-age children, the state should grant the Y’s request to expand and safely care for our children.


San Clemente
