
Countywide : Abused Elderly to Get Boost

A regional campaign to fight abuse of the elderly got a $12,000 boost Monday when local Offices on Aging received grants from a retirement community operator.

The Southern California Office on Aging received $5,000 toward the advertising campaign, and Orange and Riverside counties’ offices received $500 each for emergency relocation of abused seniors.

Patti Barbee, a spokeswoman for donor company ARV Housing Group, said the money going to the Orange and Riverside offices will be used by people who need help in moving from abusive situations.


ARV representatives made the grants at a ceremony at the company’s Villa de Palma facility for the elderly in Placentia. The company operates seven other retirement communities in Orange County and 10 others in the state.

The $5,000 donation to the Office on Aging will pay for part of a Southland advertising campaign scheduled to begin early next year. That campaign will include eight billboards and four bus shelter placards. Locations have not been determined.

The billboards will give information on the signs of elder abuse and whom to call.

ARV also donated $6,000 to a state-monitored fund for relocation assistance and is working on developing a way that county offices providing adult protective services can help move seniors who are in danger.
