
SEAL BEACH : Beach Replenishment to Resume in the Spring

The delivery of truckloads of sand to the city’s badly eroded beaches has ended, yielding only about half the expected amount. But City Manager Jerry L. Bankston said that after the winter rainy season is over, the city will have more opportunities to replenish beaches.

About 15,000 cubic yards of sand was dumped on the beach east of the Seal Beach Pier, according to Bankston. It was trucked from the Santa Ana River flood-control project near Anaheim Stadium. The Army Corps of Engineers will not allow additional sand excavation until April because of the threat to workers in the flood-control channel during rainfall.

The delivery of an additional 15,000 cubic yards of sand from the same location will begin in April, but the total amount falls far short of the 240,000 cubic yards of sand recommended in a 1984 beach erosion study.


A promising prospect for additional beach sand is the proposed dredging of a navigation channel outside the entrance to Long Beach Harbor. The Army Corps of Engineers estimates that the project would yield 5 million cubic yards of sand that could replenish a number of local beaches.
