
Gangsta Rap

Re your article “Violence Tops the Charts,” April 3: It is excruciatingly painful to witness fertile, albeit impressionable black minds succumb to this swill known as “gangsta rap.” The “artists” you mentioned serve only to further denigrate, stereotype and compound the fear and mistrust black males are subjected to regardless of their choice in music.

My teen-age son couldn’t follow the rules of the house, ran afoul of the law, dropped out of school and now wants to be a rap musician. You could not afford me enough space in this paper to express my utter disgust for these self-serving, wretchedly hopeless paeans to amorality.

We shouldn’t expect our children to acquiesce to the music of our youth; however, as parents, we had better have an idea of what may be influencing their values. Gangsta rap is a scourge, not a value-added commodity. Death Row Records, indeed!



