
VENTURA : Surfrider Foundation Plans Fund-Raiser

Officials of the Ventura County Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation are scheduled to present their third annual luncheon and fund-raiser Saturday at the Chart House restaurant, chapter officials announced.

The event, to be held from noon to 3 p.m., will feature a luncheon menu of blackened swordfish with all the trimmings, according to chapter spokesman Bruce MacDonald. Admission is $10.

During the event, a silent auction will be held. Participants renewing their membership or signing up for new memberships will eat for free, MacDonald said.


The Surfrider Foundation is a national nonprofit environmental organization dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the world’s waves and beaches.

For more information, call 499-6877 or 643-3725. The restaurant is located at 567 San Jon Road, Ventura.
