
OXNARD : Edison Request OKd Over Sierra Club Plea

The Oxnard City Council has voted to amend the city’s coastal zoning plan so Southern California Edison can improve an access road and parking lot at its plant near Ormond Beach.

The 2.13-acre site has been used since 1973 as an access road and equipment storage area. The road and a 195-space parking lot were paved in 1982.

But Edison never obtained the required permits to pave over part of the wetlands area, home to the tidewater goby fish, savannah sparrow and other endangered species.


Now the company wants to improve the site, and it has to apply for a permit from the California Coastal Commission.

Alan Sanders of the Sierra Club wrote a letter asking that the decision on the zoning change be postponed until the city learned more about what Edison had done at the site and what it planned to do.

But the City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved the amendment, recommended by city officials who said the improvements were of little consequence.
