
Doctor Unrestricted

I read with great interest Dr. John M. Southwell’s (May 16 letter) regarding “restricting access to costly tests and referrals to highly trained and paid specialists” with reference to patients in HMO programs. The implication was that this was his experience at Kaiser.

I have been a family physician within the Kaiser organization for 10 years. I have never been dictated to, countermanded or restricted to provide timely, reasonable and potentially costly tests, procedures or referrals for my patients. The medical needs of my patients accompanied by prudent judgment dictate the appropriate use of medical intervention. I am salaried, and there are no financial incentives for me to withhold any appropriate and rational medical care to my patients.

While I am unable to speak for my colleagues in other capitated systems, I believe it is important to inform the public accurately with regard to the 1995 experience in the Kaiser managed-care system.


I would ask that all HMOs not be painted with the same “hold the money organization” brush.


Yorba Linda
