
Colleges : Campus scene : CYPRESS : Art Exhibit Features Instructor’s Work

The photography of Dennis Doran, a 20-year staff member at Cypress College, is being featured at an art exhibit sponsored jointly by the college and Minolta Corp. through Oct. 6.

Titled “Painted Light,” the display of Doran’s photographs shows how light is used to make artistic statements.

The photographer has won several awards for his work and is active in several local arts organizations. The exhibition is his first one-person show.


“Although clearly conceptual, Doran’s work is an internalized vision of light-created emotions and explorations of human nature,” said Jerry Burchfield, coordinator for the exhibit.

The free exhibit is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday at Minolta’s Cypress headquarters, 11150 Hope St.
