
San Gabriel Valley : BYPASSED FREEWAY

In the latest chapter of the saga-like debate over the Long Beach (710) Freeway extension, the House of Representatives has said that a “multimode/low-build alternative” should be studied to minimize impact on the neighborhoods bisected by roaring traffic.

Lawmakers are considering ways to bypass building the litigation-riddled 6.2-mile extension through El Sereno, Pasadena and South Pasadena. The alternative scheme would use off-ramps to several service streets in lieu of building an extension, and would attempt to speed the flow of cars, possibly with one-way streets and signal synchronization.

A report accompanying legislation passed by the House of Representatives last week recommended that the alternative should be studied “to meet project objectives at a lower cost and with fewer disruptions to the environment and affected communities.”


In the coming weeks, the legislation--called the National Highway System Designation Act--is expected to go before a joint Senate-House conference committee for debate.
