
THOUSAND OAKS : City to Ask Theaters to Ban NC-17 Films

Thousand Oaks City Council members have voted unanimously to ask local movie theater operators to pull the plug on the sexually explicit film “Showgirls.”

In a letter scheduled to be sent to all movie house operators in the Conejo Valley, the City Council requests that the businesses stop showing “Showgirls” and refrain from exhibiting any NC-17-rated films in the future.

“We feel strongly about keeping X-rated movies and advertisements out of the presence of children,” said Councilwoman Elois Zeanah, who requested the council consider the letter after being approached by numerous residents.


Mayor Jaime Zukowski said that even though movie theater owners are not obligated to abide by the formal request, “it sends a strong message to have the City Council of a community let their concerns be known.”

The mayor said an NC-17 rating is virtually the same as an X rating.

Although many residents supported the letter, one speaker cried censorship.

“Don’t try to tell us what we can see in a movie theater,” complained Duke Elliott, who said he has subscribed to Playboy magazine for 40 years. “If you don’t like what’s showing, then don’t go see it.”
