
BACK TO NATURE: Post “Trial of the...

BACK TO NATURE: Post “Trial of the Century” quiz: What was earth-shattering, centered in the northwest San Fernando Valley and had nothing to do with which juror appeared on Oprah? . . . Answer: The latest aftershock of the Jan. 17, 1994, Northridge quake, a reminder of what we used to talk about. The 3.7 temblor hit at 9:42 a.m. Thursday, with no reports of damage.

AND COUNTING: Thursday’s temblor, centered three miles southeast of Simi Valley, was, roughly, the 12,234th shaker associated with the Northridge quake. Caltech spokesman Jay Aller said that number breaks down to 10 earthquakes of 5.0 or higher, including the original . . . and 48 between 4.0 and 4.9. Thursday’s temblor becomes the 381st aftershock between 3.0 and 3.9. That leaves 11,000-plus smaller shakers within our terra none-too-firma.

KID STUFF: The Gov’s wife, Gayle Wilson, will be in our territory tonight. . . . She’s getting a humanitarian award from New Directions for Youth, during the group’s annual fund-raiser at the Sheraton Universal Hotel. Though no longer stumping for President, the honoree’s hubby isn’t planning to attend the dinner. Pete is speaking in Santa Monica.

GOOD PLAN: Critics may condemn the Ahmanson Ranch project as just another destructive development, but planning pros love it. The project won top honors in the state from the California chapter of the American Planning Assn. Why? It’s a model of a sustainable community. Plus, more than 10,000 of its 13,000 acres, west of the San Fernando Valley, will remain open space . . . if, that is, the project ever gets built. Opponents are fighting it in court.

TRIPLE THREAT: Can the Antelope Valley High School football team maintain its winning streak? Or will 13 . . . the number of games it’s won in a row . . . prove unlucky? Tonight will tell, when the Antelopes take on Division 1 power Long Beach Poly at Veterans Stadium in Long Beach. (C8)
