
$35,000 Is Sought to Secure Office

In response to three burglaries over the past five months, county officials have suggested spending $35,000 to improve security at the clerk-recorder’s office.

The money would go to purchase a variety of security devices including television cameras that would monitor all entrances to the office, which is responsible for handling such county records as marriage licenses and real-estate documents.

Earlier this month, $20,000 in cash and computer equipment were stolen from the building, located at 12 Civic Center Drive. In August, about $5,000 in equipment was stolen from county consultants working in the same office. Thieves made off with $20,000 worth of computers in June.


The new security measures were proposed by Clerk-Recorder Gary L. Granville. The $35,000 would come from a special trust fund designed to safeguard the office’s automation, cashiering and optional imaging systems. No general fund money would be used.
