
City’s Approach to Recycling Theft

* Re: “City OKs Patrols to Halt Recycling Theft,” Oct. 18:

On Monday I asked my trash collector for an extra yellow recycling bin. He advised me to put any extra recyclables in the black non-recyclable container. Now, I read, in the Valley Edition, that the City Council is going to use $600,000 in state grant and recycling revenue funds to keep so-called scavengers from providing a free service to their community. At least Councilwoman Laura Chick is showing compassion to the homeless by giving them tacit permission to collect newspapers, as long as they put them in stolen shopping carts.

Sometimes, on Mondays, as I watch the black bin truck, the green bin truck and the yellow bin truck, polluting our air with gasoline fumes, I think of the cost of the trash trucks and the salaries and fringe benefits of their drivers, and I wonder if our City Council really understands the concept of helping the environment.


Granada Hills
