
Art’s Deli Deserves Residents’ Support

* Isn’t it a shame that a paltry few Studio City Residents Assn. members have nothing to do but gang up on Art’s Deli (“Residents Protest Sidewalk Dining Area,” Nov. 10). Art’s is being made a victim of the vagueness surrounding the conflicting rules of the Bureau of Engineering and the Board of Public Works. The residents association wants everyone to believe that Studio City residents are siding with the association. This simply isn’t true. The sidewalk railings do nothing to impair the foot traffic on Ventura Boulevard in front of Art’s Deli. In fact, they add a beautiful ambience and warmth to the boulevard.

Art and Sandy Ginsburg and his family have been instrumental in giving Studio City the distinction of being one of the foremost communities in the state, if not the country. They have supported numerous charities and civic functions for more than 35 years.

Is this the residents association’s way of saying thanks? Is this a vote of appreciation? The Ginsburgs have earned and deserve our backing. Councilman Mike Feuer supports Art’s and so do residents of Studio City.



Studio City
