
Frivolous Coverage of a Serious Day

* I was dismayed with the way The Times chose to cover Mitzvah Day, held Nov. 5. On that day, San Fernando Valley Jews painted over graffiti, delivered meals to shut-ins, sorted clothes for the homeless, knitted blankets for battered women and their children, and performed a host of other charitable efforts.

Out of these worthwhile “photo opportunities,” The Times chose to run four color photos of a dog-washing rally, quite possibly the most frivolous activity happening that day.

To make matters worse, the accompanying text didn’t mention where the money was going. This omission left the casual reader with the impression that some Jews somewhere in the Valley sudsed a lot of dogs to raise money for themselves.


The 1,000 volunteers who put their hearts and souls into helping others that day deserved better coverage than that!


Valley Village
