
Mia Farrow’s Therapy Views Disputed

In response to Liz Smith’s column of Nov. 15, I would like to respond to the quote attributed to Mia Farrow: “. . . Most therapists are deeply disturbed. It’s the only profession I can think of that is virtually ungoverned in terms of power.” Most therapists are not “deeply disturbed” or disturbed at all! Ms. Farrow may have had a bad experience with a clinician, but should not condemn an entire profession out of her limited experience.

Licensed Clinical Social Workers are highly trained, held to very specific ethical standards and are the least likely group of clinicians to be brought up on charges, either by their licensing board or by civil action. Ms. Farrow’s statement that psychotherapists are “. . . ungoverned in terms of power . . .” is blatantly false as well as inflammatory.

Should any of your readers need a referral to a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, they can call the California Society for Clinical Social Work at (916) 923-0255.


MARCIA BERNSTEIN, LCSW, BCD, Co-chair, Public Relations Committee, California Society for Clinical Social Work, Sacramento
