
THE BUDGET : Comparing the Plans

This chart contrasts three ways of balancing the federal budget in seven years: those proposed by President Clinton, a coalition of moderate congressional Democrats and the congressional Republican leadership. All savings figures are cumulative for the seven years, but they are not precisely comparable because they are based on different economic projections. The White House has used the Office of Management and Budget projections, which predict $300 billion less in deficit spending than does the Congressional Budget Office. Clinton apparently agreed Tuesday to use the CBO economic projections, which means he will have to swallow $300 billion more in spending cuts than he has endorsed so far.

Issues: Deficit Reduction

White House: Balances within seven years, using OMB numbers

Coalition: Same as White House, using OMB

Republicans: Same as White House, using CBO


Issues: Tax Cuts

White House: Middle-class cut of $94 billion; $500 per child family tax credit

Coalition: No tax cut until budget is balanced

Republicans: Tax cut of $245 billion, $500-per-child tax credit, capital gains cut, marriage penalty relief


Issues: Welfare

White House: Tightens eligibilty; provides, job training child care and education for thoses willing to work.


Coalition: Same as White House

Republicans: Same as White House


Issues: Work Programs

White House: Additional funding for state’s with work requirements

Coalition: Complete funding for state’s with requirments

Republicans: Any funding would come from block grants


Issues: Earned income tax credit

White House: No change

Coalition: No change

Republicans: Accelerates the phase out of the income tax credit for workers with children and eliminates it for others


Issues: Medicare

White House: $129 billion in savings; reduction in fees to health care providers, such as doctors and hospitals; no increase costs to beneficiaries

Coalition: $170 billion in savings; reduction in fees to health care providers; increased Part B premiums and means-testing


Republicans: Same as coalition


Issues: Medicaid

White House: Establishes a per-capita limit on spending intended to cut $54 billion from future growth.

Coalition: Reduces growth by $85 billion through per capita limit and other measures

Republicans: Replaces federal program with block grant to states that reduces spending growth by $119 billion

Researched by D’JAMILA SALEM / Los Angeles Times

Sources: Office of Management and Budget, Senate Budge Committee, Coalition budget
