
Flat Tax Proposal, Federal Budget

Re “Republicans Wary of Land Mines Surrounding Proposal for Flat Tax,” Washington Outlook, Dec. 18:

The land mine with the flat tax will be an erosion of support for the Republicans if they fail to pursue a simpler tax system. One of the reasons the flat tax is popular is that the concept of simplifying the rules and record-keeping so everyone can understand them makes life with the government easier. Favoritism is reduced dramatically and anyone benefiting from the so-called tax loopholes, such as welfare recipients and corporations that pay no tax, will be brought back into the system. The entire population would then be able to participate in the pay portion of taxes and those who get free tax money (on the public dole) would feel the same crunch that the rest of us feel.

We have had some terrible programs initiated in this country, which have virtually enslaved the working people. Included in this group are the self-employed business owners. Whenever you talk with a business owner, the person can relate problems with the complexity of the tax system, and almost all of them have or have had or are anticipating a tax problem. This all relates to jobs. Folks, you can’t get a job from a business that can’t afford the payroll taxes, the other taxes related to your employment and other costs in hiring you. A simpler tax system that reduces the burden of business to hire employees would create more jobs, ergo more productivity, less public largess and more people participating in the system.



Chino Hills

* In a capitalist democracy such as ours, the flat tax is the most immoral, unethical sociopolitical mechanism imaginable.

While the American creed holds that all men and women have (or should have) equal rights and opportunity, it is clear that all do not have equal ability and that life does not distribute good fortune uniformly among us.

Those who earn the big money don’t necessarily work any harder than the rest. The big earners are a minority who earn their big money by means of their greater skills and good luck--and are making most of it off the majority of lesser earners. And there’s nothing wrong with that as long as we keep our progressive income tax.


We all take our meals at the same table. And common decency demands that those of us with the longer reach see to it that those whose arms are not as long get their share of the meat and potatoes. The flat tax is a disgusting philosophy of “I got mine, now you get yours.”


Los Angeles
