
Pacoima : Companies Sought to Host Student Interns

Businesses and government agencies in or near the city of San Fernando are being sought to host student interns from San Fernando High School.

The program, organized by the San Fernando Chamber of Commerce and the high school’s business academy, is designed to give high school seniors experience at a business that matches their career interests.

Students participating in the two-week program earn school credit but not compensation, said Arlene Rosenblatt, an instructor at the business academy.


The program begins the week of April 29. Students report to selected businesses for two hours each day, Monday through Friday, for a total of 20 hours, Rosenblatt said.

Two students who participated in the intern program last year obtained part-time jobs at their host employer, Rosenblatt said. Hosts this year include Precision Dynamics and San Fernando Municipal Court.

Businesses who want to host a student intern should call the school within the next week. “Even if we can’t choose a business for this program, we’d still like to make contact,” Rosenblatt said, “especially if the company has old computer or office equipment they’d like to donate.”


For more information, call San Fernando High School at (818) 365-1121.
