
Minimum Wage Hike Blocked

Of all the passions which actuate mankind there is none more offensive to human dignity, or an affront to reason, than the fervent desire of congressional Republicans to deny a modest increase in the minimum wage (March 27).

Since 1981, Congress members have seen fit in their infinite wisdom to grant themselves three generous raises bringing their annual salaries to $133,000. In each instance, the rationale used to justify the increase was the rise in the cost of living index.

Is it not equally logical and sound judgment to expect the same reasoning to apply in granting a minimum wage increase to those at the bottom of the ladder, or is there malevolence at work here?


We are sure the Republican majority is not too fearful of the wrath of those who receive minimum wages. After all, few of them are registered to vote.

Egoism or self-interest can sometimes be carried too far in our laissez faire system. A little altruism by those overpaid legislators would be welcome!


Los Angeles
