
Youth / * News for the 18-and-under crowd : Student Gives Big Boost to Book Drive

When Oak View Branch Library opened last summer, it was short of what it needed most: books.

Businesses, residents and library patrons rallied to help fill the bare shelves, and the campaign got a big boost from Marina High School junior Monique Alvino.

Alvino, 16, held a book drive at Huntington Beach elementary and middle schools that collected about 4,000 new and used books valued by library personnel at $16,000.


Alvino, who won praise from city officials for her involvement, said she was inspired after reading newspaper stories about the book shortage at the new branch library, which serves a predominantly Latino community.

“It’s important for young readers to have books to help get them on the right track,” Alvino said.

Donations have included children’s and adult books, reference books, English and Spanish books, hardbacks and paperbacks.


She was surprised by the number of contributions, said Alvino, who drove carloads of books from the collection points to the library. “People really do care,” she said. “They just needed someone to get the ball rolling.”

Donations are still being accepted for the Oak View branch. Information: Reading for Success Campaign, Huntington Central Library, 7111 Talbert Ave., (714) 842-4481.

City Track and Field Meet Set for April 20

The city’s annual Youth Track and Field Meet will be April 20 at Huntington Beach High School. The competition is open to anyone born in 1981 or later.


Events will include a number of track and field contests, including long jump, high jump and softball as well as running events.

Registration is $4 for each athlete and $1 for spectators. Volunteers are also needed to assist in the day’s activities.

Information: Bob Thrall, (714) 536-5486.

City Officials to Be Guest Storytellers

The city’s Central Library is sponsoring story times this month to celebrate National Library Week.

Guest storytellers will include City Administrator Michael T. Uberuaga, Police Chief Ronald E. Lowenberg and Fire Chief Michael P. Dolder.

The free story times will be held in the library’s Tabby Storytime Theater at 3 p.m. Thursday and 11 a.m. April 20 for youngsters in kindergarten through fourth grade; and at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. April 19 for 3- to 5-year-olds.

Information: (714) 375-5107.
