
Hospital Wars Have Spread to Doctors

* I remember a time, not so long ago, when being a doctor meant more than a certificate after years of study and hard work. It was a profession where certain behaviors were taboo because we had too much respect for the responsibilities we accepted and the profession we joined. We understood the complexities of judgment, patient’s preferences and outcomes that were less than ideal and supported each other assuming some common goals and ethical behavior.

Unfortunately, the recent “hospital wars” are becoming the “doctor wars” also.

Ventura was a unique community where two hospitals with different areas of specialization helped each other serve the population the best we could. We encouraged our patients to use the facilities best suited to their special problems. We didn’t threaten our clients with the “horrible possibility” of having to use the obstetrical unit at the Ventura County Medical Center as if the care were frightening. In fact, in the 17 years I have directed this unit, most patients have expressed gratitude for the care they have been given. The labor and delivery area has been highly rated by the state year after year. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit has achieved miraculous successes for the fragile newborns of Ventura County.

We didn’t use occasional patient complaints to criticize our colleagues in public forums, when in fact they might have been to blame for some of the undesirable outcomes. We didn’t encourage our colleagues’ patients to leave their practice and transfer care in mid-pregnancy with flashy ads and promises that went unfulfilled.


Everyone can be criticized from time to time. Is it time to descend into the gutter and sling sewage at people we have previously assumed shared a higher moral standard? I for one would only reluctantly join in to defend myself and those who have devoted years of doing an excellent job for those in our care.


Director, Obstetrics

and Gynecology

Ventura County Medical Center

